
Caped Crusader Dominates Yak Challenge

Thursday on The Yak, we welcomed on Dungeons & Dragons Game Master, Timm Woods. He wasn't alone. Mintzy, Kyle Long, and Will Compton were also on today's show. 

Timm has been on PMT for years helping run their D&D games and is a delight as a person. Respecting how Big Cat, PFT, and the guys have gone out of their comfort zone to play his game, he indulged us and did The Yak Gauntlet in good spirits.

Timm even put up the top time to ever take place while wearing a cape! Which honestly was very hard given all the tossing/swinging/shooting motions.

That was until this guy tried on the cape.

But who cares about the pro athlete doing great at sports?! Timm Woods 4 ever!

Catch the full Yak here:


The Yak

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