The Yak Is Divided On Picking Your Friend Up At The Airport
The scenario came up as a hot topic online this weekend and as we discussed it, we found out that White Sox Dave in Chicago isn't a big fan of driving people at all. Even the ones he carpooled to a location with.
But the debate raged on and we found out we had a pretty split room on the matter.
I think it's a fair rule of thumb that outside of the handful of major metros or if you live very far (45+ minutes) from the airport, that you should be driving to pick up your friend if they're visiting/staying with you specifically. We talked about that and much more, including a devious restaurant pager prank on today's Yak. Check it out below! And be sure to order your Yak St. Patrick's Day gear by the end of the week to ensure you get it for the big day.