
I Am DOWN BAD After Monday's Humiliating Bucs Loss

The Bucs played a lifeless playoff game on Monday night at home against the Dallas Cowboys and as a Buccaneers superfan, I am legitimately very sad. This has been a helluva ride the past few years. I honestly do not know where we go from here. I do have the upmost confidence in the front office to right the pirate ship, but today is a day about reflection. This season was awful. From start to end. The team underperformed all season long and it was so sad to watch because I just knew they were a better team than what they showed week after week. Upon coming into work this morning, I found out Big Cat moved my desk back to the 3rd floor.

For the record, while I couldn't find it, this is actually a decent setup. 

But I worked too dang hard for almost six years to give up my seat, so I'll just be working without a monitor or going to get it soon.

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