
I Made The Fatal Error Of Getting Addicted To FIFA Ultimate Team Again And Now I Can't Stop Building My Team

I'm fully addicted to FIFA Ultimate Team and I can't stop playing/building up my team.

Hand up - this is completely my fault but I also want to throw some blame on FIFA for making their Ultimate Team unbelievably addicting and grind-y. After writing my Shadow of Mordor blog and reminiscing on the Destiny 1 days, it brought me back to what I enjoy most about gaming - enjoying the grind of progression within said games. It's one of those intangibles that gets me completely hooked on games and it's something that's truly missing in today's gaming environment. 

And I'm not talking about ranking up Warzone weapons - I'm talking about the armor/raid grind during games like Destiny, World of Warcraft or RPGs like Fallout 3. Maybe I just need another MMO to play, that's what it's sound like.

Regardless, right now I can't stop thinking about my FIFA Ultimate Team. I'm staying up late at night trying to find the right LWB to fit my squad building challenges while watching streamers build their Road to Glory teams. I'm back and I'm HOOKED.

Here's how my squad is shaping up currently:

Previous version of Team Gabagool:

From my first blog on Ultimate Team, I've added two new studs to the roster: ST Joaquin Correa - Ones to Watch (replacing Immobile) + CB Bonucci - Team of the Year Honorable Mention (replacing Manolas)

ST Immobile's Road to the Knockouts 2 (89 rated) - appeared at first glance to be a sick card.It's black and orange, he's boosted pace, shot and more - but the card never performed the way it should've. He felt slow and had trouble finishing. For those that play FUT, you know that striker finishing is EVERYTHING. If my ST gets the ball in the box, he better be putting it into the back of the net more often than not. Immobile's card struggled with that, so I sold him for Correa and in Correa's first game he scored 2 goals. I knew immediately that I made the right decision. He weirdly also feels like he has better pace and breakaway speed - all positives for Team Gabagool.

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I used to have Manolas there and he was always viewed as a filler and never an end player. Once I got the coins for a better CB, I scooped up Bonucci to have him paired with Koulibaly. The two together have been a much better CB line.

For my next upgrade, I have eyes on someone to replace CAM Kessié (maybe even an upgraded card or Vidal's 87 rated, Champions League Live card) and after that I'm going for LB Theo Hernandez's in-form card. He's expensive but so worth it.

Last Night's Stream

I'm currently sitting at 267k FIFA coins, we got some SBCs to do and need to qualify for weekend league. If you wanna watch last night's stream, click here.

We got BLESSED with packs last night. First, I was watching Pieface23's stream when I realized that I could link my EA and Twitch account to be able to open special FIFA packs. Within these packs I got the ONE and ONLY…

Never in my decade long of playing FIFA, have I ever gotten a player remotely close to Messi's level. My face says it all:

Luckily for me, because I have CAM Dybala and ST Correa who are both Argentinian - Messi fits perfectly in my squad. I changed the formation slightly to a true 4-3-3 and now we have perfect chemistry across the board with one of the best players in the game. Last night was a massive night for Team Gabagool stock. Upwards and onwards we go!

Also, I qualified for Weekend League and will be opening up my Rivals Rewards later tonight…

Team Gabagool

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