
Models In Quarantine 10

Welcome back to Models in Quarantine! Wow, episode 10, can you believe it? And a good episode we have for you today.

How are you guys holding up? I feel like some days are good, some days are bad. Some days are good, and then some nights are bad. What I've learned through this experience so far is everyone is handling it differently, but no matter if you are living alone, with roommates, with family, or with friends, everyone is a little sick of their situation. It's a grass is always greener type of thing, people alone want someone to hang out with, and people with roommates are tired of seeing their roommates. Just gotta make the most of the situation you're in. 

So have a good Sunday, and here's more Pandora, not in quarantine:



Have a great day everyone.

Previously in Models in Quarantine: 


