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PUTY’S WORLD CUP PODCAST – Episode #5 (with Special Guest)

Sam’s Safe Space for Soccer Stoolies


Hi haters™ (and a big hello to jogo bonito lovers),

It’s been an interesting World Cup so far. We’ve had some home high highs, like Spain/Portugal, Mexico/Germany and pretty much everything Ronny does. There have also been some low lows though, notably the Iran/Morocco dreadfulness, Brazil/Switzerland fiasco and pretty much everything surrounding Messi.


Cuncel the GOAT debate, amirite?

The bad news is that with eight groups and 32 teams all playing at once it can be hard to wrap your brain around all that is going on, especially if you are a normal human being with normal human being responsibilities who doesn’t sit on the couch and watch soccer all day.

But the good news is some of us are expert-level couch-sitting soccer-watchers with no lives who are ready, willing and able to consume every minute of the action and disseminate it back to you – like a mama bird feeding a baby bird – in a more easily consumable form.

“I don’t believe you. How is that even possible?” you may be asking yourself right now.

Well fear not because it is not only very doable… it is already done: enter stage right the latest and greatest episode of PUTY’S WORLD CUP PODCAST – easily the best, most interesting and most informative episode we have recorded this week!

Your friend and mine Big Cat stops on by to shoot the shit a bit about what has gone on so far in the games and groups…


…then we are joined by USMNT legend turned content creator extraordinaire Jimmy Conrad, who hops on to discuss and debate the huttest topics, storylines and narratives of the day.


Everything you need to know! Nothing you don’t! Get up to date on all the goings on in and around the World Cup so you can watch the games and know what’s what and, perhaps more importantly, impress your friends with all your incredible soccer knowledge.





(Note: There’s no need to do it just because I asked, of course, but rather do it for the future soccer content you would love to see Barstool commit to providing in the future!)


Samuel Army