
Unlike Buzzfeed, I Will Never Blog About A Manmel Toe (Man Camel Toe)

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Kmarko blogged it earlier but I need to be on the record here. I wont comment on male penises getting all smashed on people’s legs to the point where it looks like a camel toe. It’s beneath me as a blogger. I will not simply point out that penises are hilarious when they are smashed just for a cheap laugh and click.

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“Not even if wearing all black luge pants makes it look like you are one of the sad killer whales at Sea World with your dorsal fin hanging low like a boss?”


Not even then.

“OK. But what if one of the luge fellas had a pair of pants on that made his dick look like that set of sheets that looked like a vagina. That’s pretty funny, right?”

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Which sheets?



Ok yeah. That’s pretty funny. I might blog that.