Steve Bannon Chirped White House Reporters And They All Took To Twitter To Complain About It

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A few weeks ago, top White House adviser Steve Bannon referred to the media as the “opposition party.” Then yesterday…

Love it. Just one of the guys giving the White House press corps a hard time, and of course these nerds couldn’t handle it any worse. Immediately take to twitter to tattle tale and complain like it was the worst thing they’ve ever seen. Like someone just kicked their dog. Like they were triggered. Politics is a ROUGH game and political journalism is that on steroids. Oh Bannon chirped you and called you the opposition party to get a quick laugh out of his buddy Reince? Boo hoo. Zoe Barnes got thrown in front of a fucking train.

Maybe fire back at him next time instead of just crying on twitter. Stand up for yourself. Earn that respect.

PS — Omg Hannity loves it.

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