
In Case You Missed It: Oct 31 - Nov 3


On any given day, there could beat least 75 new posts up on this goddamn website. Now granted, there are always some re-blogs and at least 20 wake ups/GTA’s/Smokeshow posts, but there’s still a shit ton that goes on every day. Between all those posts and listening to all the podcasts and trying to actually do a little bit of real work throughout your week, it’s easy to see how you would miss some things here and there. Even if you’ve signed up for the BARSTOOL SPORTS RANDOM THOUGHTS NEWSLETTER (sign up here), there are still some posts that just fall through the cracks. So that’s where In Case You Missed It comes in. A quick week in review on Friday afternoons highlighting the major stories from Monday-Friday for those of you who aren’t able to sit there and read every single post (or just wait for the second something is posted so you can be the first to comment about how shitty the blogger is).

Monday October 31

– Halloween started off extra spooo00oo0o00ooky with Metta World Peace claiming that he was inappropriately touched by a ghost in a haunted hotel. First off, congrats on the ghost sex. Secondly, it’s tough not to believe the man.

– Speaking of Halloween, the Barstool Halloween 2016 competition is live on Instagram. So yeah, have fun with that. Flames on flames on flames.

Worst mom of the year puts her nerd ass kid on blast after blogging the fact that nobody showed up to his 9th birthday party. Bad enough this kid had to cry into his cake when nobody showed up. Then this bitch puts it out there for the whole world to see that he doesn’t have any friends. Brutal.

– Smitty vs Coley squaring off for Mario Kart supremacy was the first major step in eSports becoming a major hit.

Tuesday November 1

– Are you a little bitch who can’t grow facial hair but still want to help spread awareness this month by participating in Movember? Well here’s a handy guide for you on how to do just that.

Starbucks is using a green cup for Christmas this year because the world sucks and decision you ever make is going to some how some way offend a bunch of pussies.

– Remember how that Rolling Stone UVA Rape Scandal article was the worst piece of journalism history? Well yeah. Big J Journalist author Sabrina Erdley still stands by it years later because I guess it’s not lying if you believe it. George Costanza would be so proud.

Not sure if I’ll ever be able to get this imagine of Riggs and Glenny Balls as Chippendale dancers out of my head. Huge week for shirtless Glenny.

Wednesday November 2

Lil Wayne not knowing what “Black Lives Matter” means is one of my favorite Lil Wayne moments. “My Life Matters” should be the nation’s slogan.

The first week of Barstool Idol was a smashing success. And by smashing success, I mean it took about 10 different streams because the Amish laugh at Barstool’s technology.

– For the first time in 108 years, the Chicago Cubs are World Series Champions.

– Contrary to popular belief, the Cubs winning the World Series wasn’t the biggest story in baseball from Wednesday. That title actually goes to the Jacksonville Suns changing their name to the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp. Greatest team ever assembled.

Thursday November 3

The Facebook Live stream from the Cubs/Indians Game 7 deserves to win the Oscar, Golden Globe, Emmy, everything. Give it every single award ever created. Such a roller coaster of emotions put on display in real time.

– Snoop Dogg has the most correct take in the history of takes; Golf is garbage without Tiger Woods. Sorry, Rory.

– I’ve never felt more uncomfortable than I did watching Spags’ preposterous Rock/Paper/Scissors technique. Whoever taught him that is a seriously fucked up individual.

Gotta feel for this dude whose dick is so big that it’s ruining his life and relationships. Tough break, dude. We’ve all been there before and we’re here for you. You’re gonna get through this.

Friday November 4: That is today.


Larry The Basic Betch’s Week 9 Gambling Picks. Omg I literally can’t even.

– I’d highly suggest signing up for the Random Thoughts Newsletter today if you haven’t already. Milmore’s short for this week alone is worth the price of KMarko flooding your inbox.

Smokeshow of the Week: Alana & Paige from Drexel. TWINSSSSSSSS

