The En Eff El Draft Show | Tonight 8PM ETTUNE IN

After Only One Episode Of Rivals III, I Am Officially Declaring That The Challenge Is Back!


I am not going to lie, heading into last night’s season premiere of The Challenge, I thought we may be seeing the end of a great franchise. Bloodlines was a flat-out disaster, the preview for the season looked weak, and the cast appeared to have too many Are You The One misfits. We were maybe one season away from officially giving The Challenge the Crying Jordan Face treatment. But like any great franchise, The Challenge came back with a fury when it mattered most. And yes I realize that the first episode of The Challenge is like your first night back in college. Just over-the-top debauchery as everyone looks to get absolutely smashed and plant some seeds for the coming weeks/months. Judging a season of The Challenge based off of the first episode is like proposing to a girl when you are still in the early “All sex and fun” stage of a relationship. But last night’s episode had all of our favorite Challenge staples.

A Bananas toast (which unfortunately was a D+ in my book)

Smokes in bikinis

Camila tears

Nany tears

Idiotic statements (Even though Jenna has officially become America’s sweetheart)

Patently ridiculous statements that are definitely 100% true

Nicole going from a dime to a White Walker

A new cast member getting pisssssssed.

A rookie that has limitless potential. In this case we have Ashley, who has crazy eyes, a thigh tattoo, and hooked up on the first episode. I am expecting BIG things from her. Like Jenn, Katie, and Coral-level crazy big things

And the producers basically rigged the arrival times so Tony could be in a room full of girls! Gonna be rough when half of this cast is unavailable next season because they all have buns in the oven.

Also the “This Season On” looks like we could have a solid B+ season ahead of us. To get that “Hope to see you never” rise out of TJ means something serious goes down. Or not. The MTV people are the Picasso of teasers and trailers. But I am still stoked that this trailer had more excitement than everything not involving Abe on Bloodlines last season.

And if you want to listen to more about Rivals III, we recorded our weekly No Quitters podcast for all things Challenge. You can also automatically receive new episodes every week if you subscribe on iTunes.