
This Rangers Fan Is Pure Evil


I...I can't believe what I just saw. What an absolute devil she is. What even...I'm scared to type words to be honest with you. Why is she even bothering that kid in his awesome mask? What is possessing her, because I'm pretty sure it's the devil. Or maybe she just is the devil? Again, terrified she might come for me next. Credit to that kid for giving the fist pound, I don't know what else he can even do there. And lord knows what that maniac has been screaming in his ears all night. She looks like she'd give Frank the Tank a run for his money. 

The only ray of hope here is maybe they are at the game together? Dad and son in matching lucha masks, mom/sister/cousin/whatever in a Rangers jersey?




I'm hoping it's something like that because this is messy stuff. Kid will be scarred for life.