
The X-Men Animated Series Is BACK And It Fucking RULES

Did Kevin Feige do it again or did Kevin Feige do it again? You know how good something must be to get TWO words capitalized in a Barstool headline? Okay, essentially reheating a show that was incredible back in the 90s, spicing it up with a few minor changes, and giving your fanbase exactly what they've been asking for isn't exactly rocket science. Yet somehow countless studios have fucked up that exact strategy while Marvel nailed it from the minute X-Men 97 hit the screen and that's not just because the theme song brings the motherfucking thunder like Ororo Munroe from the jump.

This song has been getting me hyped for more than 30 fucking years and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Especially if we start getting remixes like this one on the internet.

You know something is good when LeBron claims to like it.

I would've been happy if we had actually gotten a carbon copy of the original X-Men cartoon, but it's pretty clear through two episodes that we got a legitimate upgraded version that even the snooty Scorsese slurping cinephiles can't hate on.

We've already gotten the first version of Cyclops on screen that isn't a pansy ass bitch and instead a bad mamma jamma worthy of leading the X-Men.


Storm getting label as an Omega level threat before hitting those Sentinel bitch bots with so much fury that it turned sand to glass.

Morph becoming the greatest casting director for cameos in comic book history that turned me into the Leo Pointing At Screen meme multiple times.

And Magneto...well Magneto is one of the characters that Fox most certainly did not fuck up.


However now we Magneto that once used his powers to lay pipe in Rogue back in the day.

Giphy Images.

Another dub for the Magnet Man.

For all the love the theme song and action gets, it's the drama between the X-Men and X-Women that hooks us little closeted soap opera fans coming back for more.

I can't WAIT to see where this all goes (while trying to ignore the comic material it's based on that will essentially spoil the upcoming twists).

Bob Fox and I broke down all our thoughts from X-Men 97 along with recapping Invincible kicking Season 2 back off, the new dueling trailers for House of the Dragon, and the upcoming Star Wars show The Acolyte on the latest episode of My Mom's Basement. So check out all our completely correct takes below.
