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The House Of The Dragon Season 2 "Team Black" Trailer Just Dropped With Rhaenyra & Co. Ready To Dracarys The Fuck Out Of Those Usurping Green Bitches

LET'S. FUCKING. COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KenJac covered The Greens trailer here, but I'm diving into the RIGHTFUL HEIR TO THE THRONE, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen who was chosen by her father when he was alive and the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Giphy Images.


I've never read the books, but from what I can gather, readers are split into Team Green and Team Black when it comes to the story that will unfold in House of the Dragon. This seems odd to me however since I can't figure out how the fuck anybody can like The Greens. Sure, Aemond is badass with his sapphire eye along with a persistent shitty demeanor. And I have to admit that The Clubfoot is a problem since he feels like a sniveling little snake making moves in the shadows like Littlefinger did once upon a time. But in the Casa de Clem, it's Team Black for motherfucking life.

We are rocking with The Blacks here not just because Rhaenyra is the rightful queen, The Greens are a bunch of dickheads, or because saying you are against The Blacks online could be extremely problematic. We also have the baddest mamma jamma in Westeros on our side.

Giphy Images.

Even young Rhaenyra is awesome in real life!


Here are some quick thoughts on the trailer:

- First of all, shame on HBO, MAX, or whatever they want to be called for releasing these trailers less than an hour before the NCAA Tourney tips off. I imagine the point of releasing trailers is to get conversation started online and dropping yours right before the ball is tossed up for the first set of March Madness games is crazy. 

By this time tomorrow, I bet we will all forget that we are getting some fresh HotD in June because of whatever buzzer beaters happened today as well as whatever carnage is unleashed on Rico Bosco during the stream following his journey on a Greyhound that felt like it lasted longer than Dany's march through the desert.

- The only way I'll get over this awful trailer release strategy is if someone tells me more dragons are coming this season.

Okay, we are cool now. Remember when some idiots were saying there were going to be TOO many dragons? That's literally an impossibility. I'd take a show of just dragons if it was possible, but were are probably 3-5 years from having an AI program that could handle all that. Dragons are like boobs. They may look different and come in different sizes, but they are always awesome no matter what.



If we are in the Trust Tree, I don't remember who most of these dragons belong to, so I'm gonna have to do some sort of refresher before we dive back in for Season 2.

- I love this show, but the minute they start showing another childbirth, I am turning off the TV then throwing it out the nearest window. I got my fill and saw shit I can't unsee during Season 1. And that's coming from someone that was in the delivery room for both his children.

- The word twat needs to come back, even if it's in an adult show like this with a bunch of Brits who probably drop the C-word when they are around kids and at church. 

Anyway, what I am trying to say is fuck this twat.

Again, I can't fathom how people are Team Green with this guy being their elder statesman. Unless those people are self-admitted twats, in which case it makes perfect sense. Aegon doesn't have a Joffrey-level hatable face, but I can see it really pissing me off by the end of episode 1.

- As for the actual show itself, the people who had read the books promised me that this shit is about to get NUTS since Uncle Aemond's dragon mistakenly ate his nephew. Classic Targaryen mistake!


RIP my dog LUCERYES TARGARYEN. We will avenge you, young prince!

- We'll be covering all things Dragons again in video form on My Mom's Basement and in audio form on Game Of Stools as soon as each episode ends, so subscribe to the feed however you listen/watch to podcasts.