It's So Asinine That People Are Crying About The NIT And How College Basketball Is Ruined Because Teams Are Refusing To Play In It

I can't believe I even have to say this, but people are really crying that teams are opting not to play in the NIT? Crisis mode? Let's all just take a breath and remember no one has ever given a shit about the NIT. The same people crying that teams are saying no to it are the same people calling it the Not Invited Tournament. You're telling me you pretend to sit back and watch the NIT? You don't. The only person who does is NIT Stu on Twitter. 

If you want to cry about the NIT, you know where you should start? The actual NIT. The tournament that is no longer at MSG and changed everything this year so they could try and have more of these garbage major conference teams in it. Some teams find it valuable, sure. Mid-majors can win it and that's an accomplishment for them. Great. Some coaches with young teams will take it and let teams get experience playing in a Tournament. Fine. But you know what else is true? It's not valuable for everyone. Some coaches are getting started in the portal since it opened yesterday. You're recruiting so you can play in the Tournament that matters. 

Oh and teams have opted out before. This isn't a new thing. Just the crying about it all is. I still don't even know why we have the NIT to be honest. Let alone all these other make believe tournaments like the CIT or CBI or whatever the fuck else is out there. I say this as someone who went to an NIT semifinal/finals back in the 90s. Even then there wasn't real juice and that had teams like Wake Forest, Notre Dame and NC State. We're nearly 30 years removed from that, there's even less juice! 

Let's just stop pretending to get mad at shit we don't care about. We care about the NCAA Tournament. We care about the teams who can win the national title. Not the team who wins the NIT. Everyone crying about it probably can't even name the last 10 NIT winners because you're not watching it. Let the teams play in it who want to, but no one should actually give a shit if a team opts out. It's not new. You wanna send your entire bench and assistant coach to it? Fine by me. It's a Tournament where they try out exploratory rules and everything else, so of course it'll be treated this way.