They're Remaking 'The Crow' And It Looks Like Shit
'The Crow' is one of my favorite cult classics from the 1990s. It's creepy as hell, has the perfect vibe/aura for what it is, nails everything visually, and it features a great final performance from Brandon Lee - who was obviously tragically killed on set during the making of this movie.
Is it an Oscar worthy, MUST WATCH film?! No, of course not. But it's a cult classic for a reason; people still love it all these years later. When I heard it was being remade, I was INSTANTLY skeptical - but decided to keep an open mind when the creepy Skarsgard brother, Bill, was cast as Eric Draven. He seemed like a pretty good fit to me, and obviously has some great acting chops. I said, "I'll give it a shot!" and forgot about it for a few months.
I'm now here to report that I am #OUT on this remake after seeing the first photos of Bill Skarsgard as Eric Draven, however....
What the fuck is that? Why does he look like Jared Leto's Joker? Did we learn nothing from the 'DAMAGED' face tattoos?! Is he a SoundCloud rapper now? Who approved this shit?! He looks more like the Florida Man trying to sue GTA than The Crow!
I'd say AT LEAST half of the appeal of The Crow is how fucking cool Brandon Lee looked as Eric Draven….
Hell, Sting based the next THIRTY YEARS of his career off the guy….
Now you're gonna strip all of that away, give him eyebrow tattoos, and tell us The Crow turns into Lil Xan in this one?
Get the fuck outta here. No thank you.