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ALERT: Kayla Simmons Picked Out Her Summer Attire And Is Reporting For Duty

Kayla Simmons has become a breakout star in 2023. We've blogged about her plenty and for good reason. People click. That's the reason. But the former college volleyball player turned Instagram/blog star is here reporting for duty. Some say (me) it's a battle after Carmen Electra and Jenny McCarthy stole headlines yesterday: 

The red Baywatch bathing suit is iconic. It might be the most iconic swimsuit out there, I can't think of one other that can beat it. You see a red bathing suit, you think Baywatch. You also think an elite theme song to the show. Now back to Kayla's post, I don't know what duty she's reporting for, but she's ready. I mean, everyone has their pre-whatever routine. For some it's a cup of coffee. Maybe for some it's stretching. For Kayla Simmons it's dancing around. Whatever loosens you up for duty. 

Either way, it's Friday, get loose, get ready for duty. Good luck with your duty, Kayla: 

