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Watch This When You’re High- How Did Fireworks Come To Be?

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The Fourth of July. The day when we Americans gather around, eat questionable amounts of hot dogs, and blow things up in the name of freedom. We're talking about fireworks of course. But have you ever wondered how fireworks became the ultimate symbol of Independence Day? 

Legend has it that a group of ancient Chinese alchemists accidentally discovered fireworks while they were diligently searching for the secret to immortality.

Apparently, these alchemists mixed together various chemicals and powders, hoping for a breakthrough in the elixir of life, but instead stumbled upon a recipe for a dazzling display of colors and loud noises. 

Word of their discovery quickly spread, and fireworks soon became all the rage in China. The Chinese saw them as a way to ward off evil spirits, celebrate important events, and piss off their neighbors with loud explosions.

Fast forward to the 13th century when Marco Polo, the world's original globetrotter, decided to pay a visit to China. Being the keen observer that he was, Polo noticed these mesmerizing fireworks displays and thought, "Hmm, I should bring this back to Europe and see what kind of shit we can fuck up." And so, fireworks made their way to Europe, captivating audiences with their explosive charm.

But how did fireworks become synonymous with the Fourth of July, you ask? Well, it all goes back to the birth of our great nation. Picture this: It's July 4, 1776, and a group of spirited rebels has just declared independence from England. Naturally, they needed something grand to celebrate their newfound freedom. And what could be grander than lighting up the night sky with colorful explosions?

Since then, fireworks have become an essential part of our Fourth of July traditions. We gather in parks, backyards, and designated firework-watching areas to ooh and aah at the dazzling displays overhead. Freedom baby!

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So tomorrow night, as you gather around the grill, wave your miniature American flags, and brace yourselves for the symphony of booms and crackles, remember the rich history behind those mesmerizing fireworks. They may have started as a failed quest for immortality, but they've become an explosive reminder of our nation's independence.

God Bless America!


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