
Lighten the Fuck Up! Mei's First Day Working in a Psych Ward Involved Checking in on Four Patients...

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On her first day at her new job as a nurse in a psych ward at a mental health facility, Mei's boss handed her a list and told her to check in on the first four patients and observe their behavior… 

She knocked on the door of the first patient's room and walked in. The patient was pretending to play football. She asked the patient what he was doing, and he replied, "I'm practicing football. When I get out of here, I'm gonna play in the NFL!"  

Mei, ever the optimist, replied, "Awesome, dude, keep up the good work!" 

Mei went to the second room, where the patient was pretending to play basketball. She asked the patient what he was doing, and he replied, "I'm practicing basketball. When I get out of here, I'm gonna play in the NBA!" 

Mei remained positive, "Awesome, dude, keep up the good work!"

Mei went to the third room next, where the patient was pretending to play golf. She asked the patient what he was doing, and he replied, "I'm practicing golf, when I get out of here, I'm gonna play in the PGA tournament!" 

Mei replied, "Awesome, dude, keep up the good work!" 

Finally, Mei knocked on the fourth patient's door,  and when she walked in, much to her surprise, the patient had his dick inside a 25-pound bag of roasted in-shell peanuts and was giving it everything he had… 

She yelled to the patient, "What the hell are you doing?" 

The patient didn't stop or even slow down but yelled back, "I'm fucking nuts, and I'm never gettin' outta here!"


Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #170!

Just in case you missed the last one…