
The United States Of America Legitimately Slaughtered Canada Tonight

USA improves to 2-1 in pool play in a must win game. 9 runs in the first inning off a 19 year old that admirably got sacrificed by his country tonight. Nevermind the Great Britain matchup. Canada saved Rangers prospect Mitch Bratt for the United States and he got murdered. Hopefully he bounces back I guess? Personally I could care less but I know a lot of you get soft about this stuff so I’ll be nice. 

Sorry you got absolutely fuckin destroyed Mitch. 

In other news, it’s a great game when you get walloped 24 hours earlier and still feel amazing. Mexico pounded us last night and nobody cares. USA is full steam ahead. 

More on the match ups tomorrow. To be honest this is very much expected in the 3rd and 4th games of Pool play. That American lineup should kill everyone until the reset again at quarterfinals. 

Amazing atmosphere at Chase tonight even if the ballpark sucks. We got an old fashioned hat swap 

And a bunch of hammered Canadians that thing Ryan dempster was the missing link 

Again I’ll have more tomorrow. But for now we should celebrate the ass kicking appropriately. Naturally that means I’m getting in that pool 

Barstool Baseball is in Japan. We’re in Arizona. We got the pool access and Mookie respects my two handed game. 


All signs pointing up for USA heading into the last game of pool play. Drive home safe and see you guys in the morning (Arizona time).