
This Week In "What Has The Angelos Family Done To Embarrass Themselves And The Orioles": Lou Angelos Has Accused His Brother And Mother Of Draining Peter Angelos' Bank Account From $65 Million To $400,000!

Come on man, this is getting very Redskins/Football Team/Commanders like now. It seems like every day we are getting some sort of new "he said she said" comments coming out from the Angelos family and the Warehouse in Baltimore. 

Just last week we saw John Angelos, Orioles CEO and son of team owner, Peter Angelos, refuse to answer questions about baseball at a press conference that he scheduled because it was on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Today it is an article in the Baltimore Sun where Lou is accusing John and their mother of draining a bank account belonging to their 93-year-old father. The bank account once had $65 Million in it and it is being accused that it was drained to about $400,000. What was it spent on? It sounds like money was move around to buy some houses and other things, but whatever it was spent on this seems like a slimy, shady move. 

Now does this have anything to do with baseball or the team? Not really. But it's wild that shit just keeps coming out from these brothers fighting has to force MLB to make them sell at some point. 

It's all just so bad. So gross. The team is on the rise and the last thing fans want is these two crumb bums pointing fingers because they want to make sure they get daddy's inheritance when he eventually passes. That is all this is. Lawsuits between children and parents is just so bad. 

Man do I hope MLB has the balls to step in and stop these guys from making this a pissing contest and exposing more and more of their fucked up family history. Can't wait to see what we get next week. Maybe John can accuse Lou of hunting Panda bears? Maybe Lou can give us dirt on John buying dozens of eggs and just smashing them for fun? This is all so messy and is only going to get worse. Clean it up boys, or let's hope MLB makes them clean it up.