A Full Recap Of Today's Events: The DC Attorney General Is Suing Dan Snyder and Roger Goodell Over Sexual Harassment, Toxic Work Environment, Shady Investigations, and Lying To The People About All Of It


Today was a big day for us Dan Snyder haters. The Attorney General of Washington DC, Karl Racine, officially announced the city is filing a lawsuit against Dan Snyder, the Commanders, the NFL, and Roger Goodell for all the nonsense bullshit they have been up to for the last 2 decades, namely the toxicity of the workplace, the sexual harassment allegations (i.e video taping the cheerleaders changing without their consent), and the shady "investigation" where Goodell decided to not release a report and sweep it all under the rug.

The AG didn't bring new information to the table, which is fine. He summarized a lot of Dan Snyder's and the NFL's wrongdoings, explained how they (Dan and Goodell) knew it was happening, and how they chose to ignore it. 




We know all of this to be true. What we didn't know is the Attorney General would decide enough is enough. You can't just act like a complete scumbag, break the law, and get away with it. So he is filing a lawsuit, hoping for one thing above all else: Accountability. 


As the kids say, "let's fucking goooooo!!!!"

I don't know exactly how this works, but if this goes to trial, there's nothing better than witnesses coming in one after the other to drag Dan Snyder's name through the mud. To have it on the record, under oath, how big of a scumbag creep loser he is. To have a judge and/or jury have it preserved in the history books that Dan Snyder is an evil, disgusting creature. That's accountability. Dan Snyder's victims may not get a payout, but they will at least know Snyder was held accountable for his behavior in the eyes of the law.

I don't know if anything happens with this. What I do know is the AG wants to put on a show and to discredit Dan Snyder and Roger Goodell, so I am VERY here for it. If he wants to get up in front of that microphone and the cameras and motherfuck Dan Snyder all day every day, I know I'll be tuning in. The general public basically already knows all this, but for it to be etched in stone for all of eternity? Well that's just icing on the cake, my friends.

And thank you Mr. Attorney General for bringing up the shady investigation that the NFL/Goodell swept under the rug. We all knew it was horseshit when it happened, and I'm glad he's not letting them get away with it. Hopefully that report sees the light of day, unabridged. Wouldn't shock me if every copy magically disappears overnight though.

Even with Lil Dan Dan selling the team I'm glad this is still going to proceed. As much as I'd like that shithead out of my life for good, I wouldn't mind periodic updates of him being sued. Anything to make his life harder and his pockets a little lighter I'm good and fine with. Fuck Dan Snyder, and let's go Attorney General! Burn him alive!


PS: Shout out to the AG for having a little presentation set up like a 7th grade science fair.



PS: Hey look it's my shirt!



PS: ICYMI, even players are starting to speak out: