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Kelly Keegs Didn't Include A Pictorial Of Adam Levine's IG Model Mistress In Her Blog, So I Will

So Kelly Keegs wrote a blog on how Adam Levine *shockingly* is cheating on his wife or GF or WAG or something. The mistress had this TikTok explanation of it:

Blah blah blah don't care. That's not up my alley. What is up my alley is baseball and skimming back to like June 2018 on IG models IG pages though and Sumner Stroh has been one of my go-to's for a long time. 

She's not ugly. Kelly gave her take on the whole thing, but failed to include a bunch of IG pics of Sumner. There's where I step in. Without further adieu, here's Sumner Stroh:







PS - "Songs About Jane" is an all time great album, IDGAF what ANYBODY says