
Nazem Kadri Keeps The Troll Tour Rolling, Shows Up To Avs Cup Parade In A "Too Many Men" Shirt

Yup. Naz is officially in "Doesn't Give One Singular Fuck" mode. 

First up it was the "anyone who thinks I was a liability in the playoffs can kiss my ass" quote immediately after Nazem Kadri became a Stanley Cup Champion. And now not only can those folks line up in an orderly fashion around the block to smooch Kadri's rear end, but apparently anyone who took issue to Kadri's OT game winner in game 4 as well. Turns out I was one of those folks. 

You think Nazem Kadri gives a flying frick if he left the bench a full 5 seconds early before scoring that game winner? You think Nazem Kadri gives a rat's ass if Nathan MacKinnon was still 30 feet away from the bench before he hopped over the boards to stash that OT dagger? Not only does he not give a hoot, but he's here to rub it in your face. He knows the Avs practically had their entire roster on the ice when he scored that goal to take a commanding 3-1 series lead. And he's not sorrey about it one bit. 

Only thing I'm sorrey about is the fact that we didn't make the shirt first. It's a magnificent tarp. But so are the rest of these. 

