
WATCH: Awesome Video Of Johnny Depp's Oldest Friend Testifying On His Behalf At The Amber Heard Divorce Trial

(start at 1:00)

We've covered the Johnny Depp trial extensively on the blog, but I promise the video I just posted is worth the watch. It's everyone's dream. Just a ride or die friend like you read about. Granted, the circumstances under which their friendship came to light are unfortunate, but the fact that Johnny Depp, one of the most famous men in the world is taking care of his oldest friend like that is fantastic. 

Here's a video of Issac explaining exactly what he did for him...

One day you're a struggling artist and the next you're living in a Los Angeles penthouse without a care in the world. Entire life financed by your bagillionaire movie star friend. The best part of the whole thing was when they both laughed when the attorney asked if he was "appreciative" of what Johnny did for him. Look at their faces...




Incredible. That's all I have to say about this one. Hopefully the trial is over soon so we no longer have to hear about it. Oh and if you wanna catch up on what's happened so far I posted Hubbs and KenJac's blogs below. Have a great Friday…





