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Paparazzi Got A Video Of Zendaya Tripping And Falling, She Did The Only Thing You Can Do, Posted It On Her Own Stories Making Fun Of Herself

Man I really love this girl. She's so famous right now, with all of Euphoria's success and of course the new Spider-Man having just come out recently, and still she's able to keep herself cool and funny all of the time. No days off. Oh, paparazzi catch an embarrassing video of her slipping and falling in heels? What do you do with videos of yourself/your friends falling? You post them on your IG stories and you bust balls. You have fun with it, you get ahead of it, you brush it off. I'm writing this blog because I feel like NO ONE does this anymore in the celeb world. One "blunder" and its national news for weeks, before some snarky post pops up on our feeds that shows us they "definitely aren't bothered by it." They put too much thought into it. Zendaya automatically acts like a normal 25 year old would, and instead of her falling in the club, she's falling in the streets. Its laugh out loud funny, and its refreshing to feel like she's laughing with us. A bunch of normies hanging out on social media.