
Netflix Announced The Release Dates For Stranger Things Season 4 (Which Will Be Broken Up Into 2 Parts) And That The Series Will End After Season 5

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Blogger's Note: I can hear this gif

Alright so I know that it feels like it's been roughly 100 years since Season 3 of Stranger Things came out, but I could've sworn that Season 4 was supposed to be the final season. We had the super spoilery trailer that revealed that Hopper was somehow still alive after being transported to the Land of Putin, which was released almost exactly two years ago before a little global pandemic you may have heard of gummed up the entire shooting schedule.

We then got a trailer with Papa Fuckface of what appeared to be some sort of flashback into Eleven's origin story last year.

Along with two VERY different trailers that I flat out had no clue existed until today which are probably littered with Easter Eggs about next season that Reddit has likely picked apart and broken down to the atom.

All very exciting stuff for a season that Mike from Stranger Things said will be the darkest season yet, which is clearly saying something for a horror show that killed Rudy for fun. But we didn't know when the hell this dark season was coming out until today, when we found out it is a good old fashioned two parter with monster sized episodes (nice genre pun, Clem) which looks like it will take place in at least for different settings before wrapping things up in Season 5.



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Get your binging PJs ready and start working on burrowing a nice dent in your favorite seat on the couch because we have some WORK to put in during :checks calendar: the Fridays of Memorial Day Weekend and 4th of July Weekend, which is a diabolical time to release two full seasons of a super popular TV show in the social media spoilers age. Then again, a holiday weekend release is nothing new for Stranger Things there is no better way to honor America than by loading up on some boob tube with your favorite snack in one hand and your phone in the other unless you are doing what this guy is doing.

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The reason for Season 4 being a two parter as well as a whole other Season 5 where the kids are gonna be damn near full grown adults? A ton of story to cover of course (along with what I imagine is a ton of money that Netflix offered to string this thing out for a little longer).

Blogger's Note 2: Is it weird that I just got extra excited for Season 4 since they referred to it as the penultimate season and Game of Thrones turned the P word into instant boner fuel?

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Blogger's Note 3: FUUUUUUUUUUCK that guy

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining in the least. I'll take a ten part Season 5 released on every holiday weekend if that's what the Duffer brothers think they need to stick the landing, unlike the aforementioned show that Dracarys'd the one million ounces of good will they accumulated over the first six glorious seasons. Plus let's be honest, there is no show that leaves you fiending for more with great cliffhangers teamed with the perfect theme music better than Stranger Things.


My finger instinctively went to click the Watch Next Episode button

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to do a full recap about everything that happened in the show because all I remember from Season 3 was some mall nostalgia, that likable Slurpee addicted Russian getting got, and Eleven having some freak friends from Detroit that feel like prime spinoff material.