
Michigan Is Reportedly Preparing for Jim Harbaugh to Accept an NFL Job

After days and weeks of speculation about Jim Harbaugh's future at the University of Michigan, it seems more and more like a foregone conclusion that Jim Harbaugh will leave Ann Arbor to return to the NFL. Harbaugh is supposed to interview with the Minnesota Vikings on Wednesday, which is also National Signing Day — something rather important if you're a college football coach.

Just think about this whole situation for a second. Michigan could have fired Harbaugh after the 2020 season and nobody would have batted an eye. He had been above average, but had never broken through to even win a division title in six years. Instead, he takes a pay cut, finally beats Ohio State, wins the Big Ten and goes to the College Football Playoff. And does all of that just to seemingly leave Michigan high and dry without a coach in February.


It appears as though the wildest coaching carousel in recent memory is going to get even crazier. We may never see another offseason with as many top-tier job openings as we've had this year. And again, Michigan could have been first in line for whomever it wanted a year ago, but chose to be patient with Harbaugh only for him to finally exceed expectations and then leave his alma mater in the dust.

Is this the job Luke Fickell has been waiting for? Can we get some Lane Train to Ann Arbor rumors cooking? If all else fails, I hear there's another prominent Michigan alumnus who knows quite a bit about football that is very recently available.