
Glenny Balls’ First Official OnlyFans Power Rankings Of The Week (Just In Time For Christmas)

Last week I posted this video of Maxo Kream & I discussing the wonder that is OnlyFans on my instagram account. In said video I may or may not have mentioned the list I have of my favorite OnlyFans models in there which, frankly, led to a lot of folks dm'ing me CLAMORING for the information on that list. I can't sit here and say it's not a pretty awesome list so I figured in the spirit of this being Christmas week I will release my official OnlyFans Power Rankings. Hell, it could be a great last second Christmas present! I think it's what the good lord would've wanted. Below is my official Top 5 OnlyFans Power Rankings...links included (Obviously).

#5 Haleigh Cox

See now Haleigh is my fucking QUEEN. I've been on Haleigh Cox train since the ground floor. You know when a running back you’ve been claiming is the next Barry Sanders since their freshman year at some C-USA school finally kills it in the NFL? That’s how I feel about Haleigh. She’s absolutely beautiful & I’m not gonna sugarcoat it for everyone out there- She gives Kim Kardashian a run for her money in another department. The twerk videos are well worth the price of admission by herself and she’s actually been teasing some other stuff as well. It’s a great time to be a Cox Stan.


#4 Mati Marroni

Alrighty I’m not gonna sit here and bullshit you guys. Exactly what I just said about Haleigh in the Kim Kardashian department could be said about Mati in the other department of things we're interested in. I am happy to announce that if you subscribe here (it's friggen free right now nonetheless) that you are NOT gonna run into the trouble you often do when 99% of the timeline is just instagram-esque content. Great subscription here. 


#3 Caitlin Sorenson

Awhile back Caitlin followed me on Instagram…no big deal. I of course then did what any guy would do and clicked on her profile to the delight of seeing a link tree link in her bio. For you rookies out there, a link tree in the bio 9/10 times means there’s gonna be an Onlyfans link there (it sucks when there's not). Obviously I subscribed since it’s quite literally impossible for me to know somebody with an OnlyFans and not subscribe to it…like a moth to a flame. And I was very happy I did because it was a great purchase!!! Some fantastic stuff on the main feed and, if we’re being honest, some GREAT videos in the DM's all in the ballpark of $10. Beyond reasonable when I've seen many folks go triple digit pricing for DM'd videos.


#2 Scarlet Bouvier

LEGEND. L-E-G-E-N-D. Scarlet Bouvier has been a crush of mine for SO MANY years. I have no idea how I even came across her on the interwebs back in the day, yet I'm very glad I did and was even happier when I discovered she had an OnlyFans in this day & age. Not to mention with 2000+ posts & a subscription price of only $3 this is a goddamn homerun. And much like Caitlin up there the DM videos ain't gonna break your bank either. Oh and did I mention she's from across the pond? I think that adds to the allure. For the record I THINK this is her instagram below since it seems like her normal one got taken down. If so we gotta help get her followers back up!


#1 Corinna Kopf

Do I even need to say it? Did we think it'd be anyone else? That’d be like Jordan not being #1 on a list of the best basketball players of all-time. Or Wayne Gretzky not being #1 on a list of the best hockey players of all-time. Or Billy Joel not being #1 on a list on a list of best Long Islanders of all-time and so on and so forth. Corinna stormed onto the Onlyfans scene just a mere few months ago yet she’s made a name for herself quicker than Bieber in the early 2000's. Hell- She damn near broke the internet when she made 165k off one picture of her boobs! 165k! It was iconic. Her grit. Her determination. And her willingness to ACTUALLY post photos (and some videos!!!) you’re not only gonna getting anywhere else (if you're picking up what I'm putting down) is the reason she’s my #1. GOAT.


Hope that answered some folks' question. If this does well I will return in the New Year with a brand new set of power rankings. Happy Holidays to all!