
Thank You For Your Service: A Bunch Of Celebrities Signed An Open Letter To World Leaders Demanding They Fix COVID-19

Source - The COVID-19 pandemic is still raging on, nearly two years after the disease was first identified. But have no fear — Hollywood is here to help.

Seventy entertainers signed an open letter to world leaders in a plea to help stymie the spread of the coronavirus.

The letter was constructed by the global nonprofit CARE. Model Iman is the organization’s global advocate and helped urge leaders to increase their vaccination efforts.

The letter was published Tuesday and coincides with the United Nations General Assembly and the Global COVID-19 Summit hosted by President Biden.

Webster dictionary defines bravery as, "The quality or state of having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty." I define it as this: a group of celebrities finally stepping up to end a global pandemic. Selflessly using their power and influence to do what thousands of world renowned scientists and government officials couldn't- irradiate coronavirus. They didn't have to do it, but they did, and for that a grateful nation thanks you. 

Here's what the letter said...

The memo asks leaders to provide vaccines for 70% of the world’s population by 2022. It also requests resources for countries with lower capital, more support for health care workers as well as a vested interest in public education.

The letter states, “None of us are safe until all of us are safe. We call on leaders gathering at the United Nations General Assembly Session to boldly act together to end COVID-19 everywhere. ”

“COVID-19 is now a man-made pandemic of apathy. Only 2% of people in low-income countries have received a single dose, leaving the world’s most vulnerable to face COVID with no protection. This situation also lets new variants, like delta, emerge and ravage the lives of millions.”

The letter calls “on global leaders to make 7 billion vaccine doses available before the end of 2021, and an additional 7 billion doses by mid-2022 to fully vaccinate 70% of the world by next summer.”

“To get this done, the world community must also invest in last-mile delivery systems, public education and frontline health care workers to get vaccines from tarmacs into arms. Millions of doses could go to waste because low-income countries don’t have the support they need to get vaccines to vulnerable people,” the letter reads.

“We can save millions of lives — and trillions in further economic damage — by meeting this moment with the resources and political will needed to end COVID-19 for everyone, everywhere. Because none of us are safe until all of us are safe. ”




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A total of 79 celebrities have signed so far including Joel McHale, Eva Longoria, Ann Hathaway and Peter Dinklage. You can read the full list here. It's funny because as outrageous as the letter is, I don't blame the celebrities who are on it. Most of them probably don't even know it exists. I blame their people, who, let's be honest, don't give a shit about ending covid. They care about good PR for their client which is why they signed their name in the first place. It a strange move, but much better than making than making them sing "Imagine" on camera. Oh well. This is the world we live in. Now take it away, Celebrities! 




