
The Marlins Had to Be Bullied Into Deleting One of the Worst Tweets of 2021

In the fifth inning of the Braves-Marlins game Saturday, Ronald Acuña suffered a serious leg injury on what ended up being an inside-the-park home run for Jazz Chisholm. You know, because the guy closest to the ball was writhing on the ground in pain and all.

But if you expected the dogshit organization that is the Miami Marlins to maybe lay off the excitement for a homer in name only that trimmed a three-run deficit to two and included a horrific injury to one of the biggest stars in baseball, you would unfortunately be mistaken.

And I guess nobody should have expected anything different from the team which has repeatedly tried to injure this very player over the course of multiple seasons. From the manager and players down to the social media guys, the Marlins are nothing short of a classless organization. I genuinely believe they have more bad people than good.

It’s not even like you couldn’t see the injury in the video, either. Acuña is very clearly laid out in pain bad enough he had to be carted off the field and they still went with that tweet. Unreal.

Unsurprisingly, the Marlins were inundated with messages explaining how remarkably tone deaf and awful their tweet was and it has since been deleted. But I’m sure those assholes are already cooking up another one for when Ronald’s diagnosis comes out.

Fuck those losers.