
Thoughts And Prayers To The Single-A Players That Jacob deGrom Annihilated Last Night

Nothing like being a teenager in the Minors grinding while trying to get your baseball dream off the ground in between PB&J meals and neverending bus rides then having to face the best pitcher in the universe on short notice.

It started ugly

Got worse

Then became flat out unfair


Final tally:

Yup, I would say the lat is feeling good as does Jake's slide piece.

I could go on and on about how mean it is to have a pitcher that makes the best hitters in the universe look like little leaguers face guys in Single A just trying to get . But I think this meme explains it all.


On the other hand, whatever guy put the ball in play for an out should be called up immediately. Not to Double A but The Show. That's a kid with guts, a good eye, or at the very least 80/80 luck.

Back to deGrom, not only did he do everything to break the Cardinals collective will but he was perfect when it came to getting his guys ready for their game front row seats to greatness

I guarantee Jake even bought the boys extra sauce since we are living through this nightmare Chick-Fil-A Sauce shortage 

I will give the Cardinals credit for two things however:

1. At least they got a hit off of the previous night's starter

2. They fired off a great zing once Jacob deGrom could no longer extinguish their hopes and dreams

Giphy Images.


I hope Uncle Stevie saw that and sends deGrom back to St. Lucie next time the Cards are on the schedule. If we are going to turn the Mets from punchline to bully, it needs to start at the lowest levels of baseball then make its way to the top level.

Speaking of the top level, the New York Mets may be full of bench and AAA players but they continue to roll as their studs rehab and grind Minor Leaguers into dust, as we talked about on this week's We Gotta Believe: