
If You've Got 100 Dogecoins Hanging Around You Can Buy Two-Seat Pods For The Athletics - Blue Jays Series

If you're in the Oakland area this week and have some Dogecoin burning a hole in your pocket you should come on down to the beautiful Oakland Coliseum. I talked before about the Athletics charging 1 Bitcoin for a suite for a season long suite and now they're dipping their toes into the Dogecoin trend. Blue Jays are in town this week and they're allowing you to purchase two-seat pods in the Infield Plaza for 100 Dogecoins. Looks like 1 Doge is currently worth .51 cents so basically $51 bucks for 2 lower level tickets isn't bad at all. Better jump on this deal if you're As fan, price of Dogecoin keeps shooting up so get in and get your tickets now. The Athletics seem like they're going all in on purchasing tickets with the crypto currency and this isn't the last you'll see of it. I'm sure we'll see Elon Musk and Dave randomly sitting with Dallas for the Tuesday night game, they'll probably just buy out every seat in the stadium. Pretty cool to see how forward thinking the A's are with all this. I could get down with seeing Vladdy Jr hit some bombs for 100 Doge.