Foul Ball Guy Just Fell And Ate It SO HARD Going For This Home Run

Man do you hate to see that! Foul ball guy doing what he does best, sprint as fast as he can for home run balls and he wipes out, I mean completely horizontal and eats it. Falls 2 rows down and lands hard. Doesn't even get the baseball either! This is the risk you take running after $5 balls for a living. He didn't need to hop those rows, he could have jogged and gotten it. But man did he hit hard.  Landed right on his back and probably got the wind knocked out of him, that slam def woke him up too. But even after slamming hard he still tried to get the ball, just wasn't in the cards today. This wasn't his first rodeo, it wasn't his first fall nor will it be his last. He'll get up, dust off his glove and get ready for the next ball. Chalk this one up as an L and keep moving, there will be plenty of other balls for him to get. A+ for still going after the ball, that is what separates the foul ball guys from the foul ball boys. Get em next time!