Early Numbers Show Jon Lester Bought $33,000 Worth Of Miller Lite On Friday & Saturday In Chicago
Alexa enhance
That's so many great tasting less filling delicious Miller Lites from the big lefty for a Friday/Saturday with indoor dining/eating completely banned right now. You want to talk clutch performance let's talk thirty two thousand six hundred and six dollars worth of literal & figurative cold ones. And again that's just Friday & Saturday on Division. Nobody is factoring in NFL Sunday even if it was 30 degrees and breezy yesterday. Chicago's weird bunch and I know we've done far worse for far less than a 16oz tall boy from the greatest free agent in Chicago sports history.
If you're confused with what's going on, Lester got his option declined by the Cubs this past week so he turned around and announced that he'd pick up an entire's weekend worth GTLF for Chicago. He picked 4 extremely popular bars on an extremely popular street in Chicago. It was awesome.
Some more observations breaking down the numbers:
- Butch's probably has the strongest name brand recognition on the list ahead of The Lodge so a lot of people are going to ask why Butch's didn't do bigger numbers. Simple answer is they have a fraction of the seating capacity as the others on the list so don't interpret the results as Butch's being anti-GTLF. It's quite the opposite. I love Butch's.
- Being there Saturday for some Big Ten day football felt so right. I'm not a medical expert so I can't opine on CDC regulation but I know our state government approved of this setup so if you have a problem with my attendance you can write your state representative.
- Lots of Michigan State fans and boy do they love their Miller Lite. When I say there were cans everywhere I fucking mean it guys. I really do. I hope everyone there remembers the beer they were drinking when they upset Michigan. That's your lucky beer from now so keep it sacred.
- $32,606 worth of Miller Lites works out to about 4,500 - 5,400 Miller Lites depending on the price point. I don't stock the stuff I just drink it so don't hold me to my estimates but that's about 80,000 ounces of Miller Lite. That's 625 gallons or almost 41 kegs worth of First Beers on the tab. Amazing. You and your buddies still revel in the time you went through 3 at the lakehouse that one summer. You're 38 short here. That's what it's like competing against Jon Lester and we're only talking about the first round here guys. **
- And again just Friday & Saturday results. The Lodge had a nice tent set up. Plenty of space heaters on Division. There was no sign of action slowing down amidst government regulation. Someone was even delivering hot dogs.
- In sum, we're lucky that the world hasn't changed so much to prevent Jon Lester from doing this over the weekend. Just an all time classy move from a true man's man. A person that will always carry the respect of Chicago wherever he goes, along with Boston and of course the fanbases he's competed against across his career. He's the guy everyone stands and claps for because he's earned it. The fact he wants to do tens of thousands of dollars worth of Miller Lites as a nice gesture is just a cherry on top.