Will The Real Steve Cohen Please Stand Up!
Big hubbub on Mets twitter the last 36 hours or so. From Steve Cohen's socks up to this morning, when it was revealed that Steven A Cohen has been on Twitter this whole time. An inactive, dormant handle which is no spruced up with a new Uncle Stevie avi and some new tweets, the account's first since 2018:
Now, me, personally? I think there is ZIPPO chance this is Steve Cohen actually tweeting. After being notoriously reclusive for 30 years he all the sudden is on twitter, asking corny Q&A questions to the fans and talking to random fans like this:
Personally, I'm not buying it. Would bet everything I got that its his wife or someone from their foundations and charities etc etc. Its a 60/40 split on twitter right now that its not actually him:
But, Tim Healy from Newsday, one of the only beat reporters I like and trust, confirmed it so I guess thats that. Although while HE can confirm he trusts someone in the know, IIIIII can confirm I know that Tim is still skeptical. There's just something weird that feels off about the whole thing. Doing a "Hey fans…what do YOU want to see!" feels like something Arod would have done if he became the owner. Steve feels more like the guy who says "jump on the cape and enjoy the ride. I know what the fuck I'm doing. That, plus the accounts he follows, the timing of it all, the fact that he's one the most elitist billionaires alive but he's talking to all these randoms, and the "nah" being the biggest red flag of all!
I keep asking myself "WWBAD?" What would Bobby Axelrod Do? And it doesnt seem like something he would do. But honestly, what do I know? Acting like I know this guy is crazy. I'm talking about a goddam TV character. I think I'm just projecting what I WANT to be the case, rather than just admitting what apparently really is the case. And while I dont want it to be him (I prefer my owner in the shadows and secretive and above the fray of social media, the way Uncle Stevie has been this whole time) I can see that Mets fans really like this, so fuck it. The general reaction seems to be that this is a salt of the earth, man of the people, type of move. So I won't rain on your parade. Enjoy the tweets. Maybe this is the first step to him really being in the mix. If Steve turns out to be a Mark Cuban type, my god that would be such a 180 from what we've been living the last 20 years. If we have a cool, relatable, laid back, guy's guy owner who is down to clown on Twitter and chop it up with fans and haters while we win our championships?? Well then buckle the fuck up, baby! We're about to get more memorable moments than we even bargained for. If he's just like the rest of us…scrolling our phones, talking shit to strangers, getting in the mud with trolls and haters and the like? Clapping back against rivals and responding to hit pieces and all that shit that is the reason why Twitter exists? I dunno, perhaps, go on a Mets podcast or 2??? If we were all expecting an inaccessible Steve Cohen and instead we get @StevenACohen2, the guy with the socks? Well then, this whole experience is gonna be even more wild than I anticipated.
PS - I mean at the very least can we hook Uncle Stevie up with @StevenACohen? We cant be out here with "2" on the handle.