
Does This Look Like The Face Of A Man With A Death Wish That Broke Into Eminem's House And Told Him He Was There To Kill Him?

Detroit Free Press - Eminem awoke at home April 5 to discover a man standing behind him, a Clinton Township police officer testified Wednesday.

The rapper born Marshall Mathers initially thought it was his nephew, but it turned out to be a stranger later identified as Matthew David Hughes, said Officer Adam Hackstock.

“When Mr. Mathers asked him why he was there, he was told by Mr. Hughes that he was there to kill him,” Hackstock said on the stand during a preliminary examination in  Macomb County District Court.

The man "was verbally and physically detained by Marshall, while security was alerted," an Eminem associate told the Free Press.

Matthew David Hughes was charged in Macomb County District Court with first-degree home invasion and malicious destruction of a building. He's being held on a $50,000 bond.

Hughes hails from Michigan, though he is documented as "homeless" on the warrant issued by police, said Clinton Township Police Captain Richard Maierle. 

Hughes is alleged to have thrown a paving stone through a glass-plated kitchen door in the back of Eminem's house. He had evaded a security team stationed in front of the property, a source told the Free Press.

Hey buddy. 

You don't. 

Wanna fuck with Shady.

Cuz Shady.

Will Fuckin Kill You.

In all seriousness thank God Marshall's security system went off. Can't imagine getting up in the middle of the night and walking through your living room to find a wack-job like this standing behind you.  Nightmare fuel. 

All time fail by Eminem's entire TEAM of security he has stationed at his house 24 hours around the clock to allow this guy to slip through the gate, throw a brick through his window, and then come face to face with Eminem. They gotta go immediately. The whole lot of them.

 I learned all I need to know from the slot rigging scene with the cowboy in Casino. 

As Ace Rothstein so eloquently puts it, 

"they're either too dumb to keep that job, or they were in on it. You fuckin momo."

A national treasure like Eminem's life is too valuable to have in the hands of eastern Michigan yokels. 

Call up Tricky and get the Goon Squad hired.

p.s. - Rest in peace Matthew David Hughes. Was nice knowing you. You tell Eminem you're going to kill him and then enter the Michigan penal system that's all she wrote for you. You'd be safer out on the streets than you are behind bars with the crews the D12 boys know in the clink.
