
Eight Nebraska Players Are Suing the Big Ten Over Postponement of Football Season

With players throughout the Big Ten still upset the conference postponed its football season while other conferences are moving forward, eight football players from the University of Nebraska are bringing a lawsuit against the league in hopes of a reversal of its decision.

In addition to the ultimate decision that was reached, there has not been much transparency as to how the Big Ten came to its decision or whether or not the schools ever actually came to an official vote.

Omaha World-Herald — “Our Clients want to know whether there was a vote and the details of any vote, and whether the Big Ten followed its own rules in reaching its decision,” Flood said. “Sadly, these student-athletes have no other recourse than filing a lawsuit against their conference.”

The lawsuit alleges the lack of an official vote constitutes a breach on contract and makes the league's decision unenforceable.

While it's unlikely this lawsuit results in any sort of reversal of the Big Ten's decision, maybe it could at least force the conference to give these kids and their parents the information it has which led to the choice to postpone the season. the reason the Pac-12 hasn't had any of this backlash is because it was very open and up-front about the information it received from medical experts that led it to the conclusion it was not in the best interest of its student-athletes to compete this fall. If the Big Ten would just do that, I think much of this public pressure would be alleviated.

But as things stand now, the Big Ten still finds itself in a terrible PR situation and now in the middle of a lawsuit.