
You're Never Going To Believe This...But It Looks Like Kanye West Is Releasing A New Album This Friday

Remember last night when Kanye had an all time twitter melt down? When he fired off twenty stream of consciousness tweets in a row that had the entire world worried about him? Well, he's since deleted all but four of those tweets leaving the following on his timeline: 

Something about his children doing Playboy...

A tweet about righteous indignation...

A teaser about focusing on "the music"…

AND…you ready???
















An album release announcement! 

Crazy, right? It's funny how the timing works out with these things. I'm not saying Kanye's meltdown wasn't real, I'm just saying that every time the Kardashian/Jenner/West conglomerate trends online a new product is launched shortly thereafter. Chess not checkers, I guess. 

Giphy Images.

Can't wait to heat the new music, Ye!
