
NYCFC Surrenders Another Freak Goal And Loses 1-0 Again

It appears to me that Toronto is simply Matarrita's kryptonite. This is the last goal TFC scored against City.

Just a horrid beat. Sean Johnson played like a fucking all-star, saving endless shots right in his grill which makes that shitty goal hurt even worse. Yuck. The offense was completely anemic in the first half, barely pressuring Toronto at all. This lead to excess pressure and mistakes on defense, including a risky challenge by James Sands in the box that should have been called as a penalty. The team was much improved on both sides of the ball in the second half, but they were still mostly dominated in TOP. Some positive notes, Keaton looked much improved and way more comfortable in the lineup. Taty and ITJ were both great at bringing pace after they were subbed in, which begged the question of if they should have started. This was a deserved loss just based off the blown penalty, but practically speaking the deciding goal was such a fluke that it frustrates the fuck out of me. Whatever, time to come home and beat Dallas.