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We Got A New Trailer For The ESPN Doc On The 90s Bulls And Christmas Spirit Is Through The Roof

Not a single word was spoken in the entire minute and I couldn't be more hyped. What a fucking list of people. Jordan, Kerr, Pippen, Rodman, Carmen Electra, Payton, Ewing, Barkley, Kobe, Costas, fucking Obama, Oprah...literally anyone who was a name in the 90s has been brought in to talk about the greatest NBA team ever assembled(don't try to argue on this fact, I am not interested). Can't believe we have to wait until June. I need it tomorrow. I want to watch every episode instead of the actual NBA slate on Christmas Day. Michael Jordan on Christmas is as important to my childhood as Santa himself. Need this doc to let the nostalgia pour over me tomorrow.

Here is the full trailer released today.