
Wanda Nara Says Her Soccer-Star Husband Is 'Very Professional' Because He Only Has Sex With Her After Wins

You may not agree with this, but this is what peak professionalism looks like. If I'm a PSG fan, I'm fucking thrilled to hear this from Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi. Here's the exact quote

"He should try it before a match but Mauro is very professional and does not do anything before a match.

"Only after and if the match went well.

"If it does not go well, he does not even want to look at me."

VERY professional to not have sex with your wife, which you stole from your former teammate and friend, before a match. That's just smart. Boxers and fighters have talked about it in the past, you want that pent up energy to take out on an opponent and with all that running in soccer you can't be tired. Oh and you may have skipped over it - yes, you read stole your wife from a former teammate and friend. 

This really is just another showing of European soccer being the goddamn best. Imagine if this is said in the United States, it's talked about for weeks at a minimum. It's why I can't get enough of the tabloids in soccer. There's always content gold. Plus, like I said, this is EXACTLY what I want to hear if I'm a fan. I want my guys to be worried about winning. That's what makes fans happy and keep fans significant others disappointed (talking about sex). Score goals, celebrate, win, fuck, repeat. 

