
Chick Gets Mollywopped By A Big Black Dude In WalMart, Is Ten Times The Man I Am


Holy… fucking… SHIT! That chick got slapped harder than anyone I’ve ever seen slapped in my entire life. The thwack was fucking outrageous! And I don’t mean she’s more of a man than me just because she got up. But just because she stood her ground at all. Just for speaking up her balls are way heavier than mine. I would have never said SHIT to that guy. I don’t even know what they’re fighting about but it doesn’t matter. If that guy cut me in line I’d just stare at my shoes until the register called my name. But that’s how you stay alive, bitch ass hoe. He told ya he ain’t playing.


PS – all kidding aside that’s one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.