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I May Have Put Out The Most Electric/Worst Tee Shirt On The Internet

I first started thinking about what shirt I am going to wear out to the ring and then thought it was a bright idea to ask someone to make one for me. My first intentions were for this shirt to only be for me because I am very self aware and nobody willingly wants my face on their shirt. Then all of a sudden they told me the tee-shirt was going live and I said fuck it, were going all in. As soon as I posted it I said “Oh fuck Dave is going to see this and laugh at me.” Which pretty much happened but he thought it was so preposterous and confused why I thought it was a good idea.

With saying all that, this shirt is just on brand. What did you want a well put together mush shirt? I think the shirt if off the site so if you were lucky enough to get this hard to come by tee shirt, you are welcome. If it is still up, you don’t want to miss out so go to my instagram to buy it. Fight is coming up in 8 days, this shirt combined with an electric entrance there is no stopping me. The fact that all the Patriots shirts we have are sick and you scroll through and see a mush shirt is unreal. Always remember Mush To The Moon.