Pavel Datsyuk Definitely Still Knows How To Put People In A Blender
Know what sucks? The fact that Pavel Datsyuk isn’t playing in the NHL anymore. I mean, can anyone sit here and actually say that Datsyuk wouldn’t be on an NHL roster?
The Arizona Coyotes have scored three goals this season. THREE! You’re telling me a guy like Pavel Datsyuk couldn’t step in and be a stud on a team like that? I mean, they do own his rights. Could I be foreshadowing something? I’ll let the speculation begin.
But the reason I’m writing this blog is because Datsyuk is still putting people in blenders over in Russia in the KHL at the age of 40 and its pretty awesome to watch. This time it was against Severstal Cherepovets.
Datsyuk is having his way with the KHL. Playing on the leagues best team, St. Petersburg SKA, also known as Vladimir Putin’s team, and is averaging over a point per game. We have heard what it is like to play in the KHL. How miserable the travel is. It’s basically inevitable this guy is living on the Russian Gas 24/7, right? The guy definitely isn’t getting any younger.
Datsyuk was probably my favorite player to watch in the NHL during his 14-year NHL career. The fact a two way player could have hands and score goals the way he did always seemed to amaze me. You know you are doing something right when you have a deke named after you.
But man, if things went differently the last few years of his career in Detroit, would Datsyuk still be in the NHL? Who knows. But it sucks he isn’t anymore. Buddy is awesome to watch, even at 40-years-old playing in the KHL.