The People That Waited 5+ Hours To Get A Discounted Teddy Bear From Build-A-Bear Are Out Of Their Fucking Minds
Police being called to help the line for a TEDDY BEAR STORE
Then Build-A-Bear shut the whole thing down like a big, stuffed Jon Taffer (I would 100000% buy that doll by the way).
The hottest story sweeping the parenting streets these days is #BuildABearGate going on right now. I don’t know if #BuildABearGate is a real hashtag, but I want it to be because it would be so fucking ridiculous. For the uninformed/people that still have lives, Build-A-Bear is a place where you can make your own teddy bear and put said teddy bear in the hottest gear. We’re talking officially licensed MLB, NBA, NFL gear. Star Wars, Paw Patrol, Pixar, Marvel, DC, My Little Pony, etc. etc. Pretty much you ain’t shit unless you sling clothes at Build-A-Bear.
So today was the Build-A-Bear’s Pay Your Age promotion, which means you got any bear in the store for how the same amount of dollars as years you have kept your kid alive on Earth. After you get your bear for a few measly dollars, you can dress it in a bunch of outfits that cost 2-4 times as much because again, there are some heavy hitters in the brand name game on the rack.
And as you can see in those videos, Pay Your Age day was a rousing success. So much of a rousing success that it will end up being a rousing failure because it cause chaos in the streets mall corridors and a ton of people not getting their bears. The people who got in early are likely over the moon thrilled. They got their kids out of the house, felt like a real person again for a few minutes, and got a teddy bear that their kid will care about for either a day or the rest of their life out of the deal.
Meanwhile, the other 90% spent (or are still spending) hours on a line to get a goddamn TEDDY BEAR for their kids that are likely crying and screaming and making them wish that fateful night years ago ended in a pullout. Any parent with a brain immediately became the ol’ Grandpa Simpson gif when they saw these lines.
But the rest stood in line like fucking suckers. For a bear that was probably at most like $20 off. There should be a pretty simple equation about if waiting in line for 1+ hours is worth it. If you can get that item the next day and it costs less than you make after like an hour of work, you are out of your fucking mind waiting in line for it. That’s poor people problems on a hundred, thousand, trillion. And those parents that waited in line were #angry!
Others were clearly not #happy.
Some were sad :,(
And one family was literally torn apart.
The craziest thing of all this is that people were spending huge chunks of their days to wait in line for a TEDDY BEAR. We’re sitting in here, and I’m supposed to be the parent, and we in here talking about teddy bears. I mean, listen, we’re talking about teddy bears, not a video game, not a video game, not a video game, we talking about teddy bears. Not a video game, but we’re talking about teddy bears, man. I mean, how silly is that? If you see a line like this:
The only acceptable reasons to go to the end of it is if they are giving away money, are selling an iPhone that can fulfill your wildest sexual desires, or is the line to get into tonight’s Pup Punk concert. Any other reason is flat out crazy.