
ESPN Announces Keith Olbermann Will Be Expanding His Role And I Think It's Officially Time To Cancel My Cable Subscription

Hate is a strong word reserved for only the worst people on this Earth. It’s often overused in spots where you really don’t hate something and you’re just irrationally upset. Well, I hate Keith Olbermann. There’s one man on television that can make me change the channel instantaneously and it’s Keith Olbermann. I’ve never come across anyone in my life who rubs me more the wrong way than this dinosaur. He thinks he’s the funniest man in sports media. He’s worse in that sense than Rick Reilly, Colin Cowherd, Simmons, anybody. Keith Olbermann is flat-out insufferable.

If there was one tweet to perfectly sum up how much of a loser this guy is, it was his whole interaction with us during the Yu Darvish, Cubs situation with Carl.

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Obviously Olbermann said that. Carl ended up being completely correct and Keith ended with an egg on his face like he always does. He’s biggest tool out there and it’s not even close.

So what is ESPN doing following their recent shitstorm? Bringing back Barstool Van Talk right? Now that Skipper is gone and there are better, smarter people running the ship over there you would assume they would do what’s right. Nope. Let’s now EXPAND Keith Olbermann’s role. They almost gave this clown the 6:00 SportsCenter show after moving on from Michael Smith and Jemele Hill. Jesus Chist what were they thinking? Instead Olbermann will be the play-by-play guy on ESPN Radio for a handful of  baseball games throughout the season, as well as helping with the All-Star Game and World Series coverage. He’s also going to be hosting a lot more of the 11:00 SportsCenter show leading into SVP’s midnight hour.

What a disaster of a company. How do you go from passing on Big Cat and PFT to now giving the key’s to the ignition to OLBERMANN. How the mighty have fallen. I think I’m all set with my cable subscription for now on. To completely avoid any chance of seeing this guy’s face on my television it’s just time to cuncel cable all together. If I want to catch SVP I’ll just find a stream somewhere on reddit. That’s how much I fucking hate this man. I’ll just stop watching cable all together so he’s not in my life.