
The Barstool Variety Hour, Coming March 7th

A while ago, Dave asked me if I would be interested in creating a sketch show. “Similar to SNL or whatever” was how he explained it to me. That was it. That was the entire direction. When I first started at Barstool, Dave’s parsimonious feedback/direction was really tough because I thrive on feedback and there was none forthcoming. But I’ve grown to love how open-ended things are here. You can legitimately do whatever you want. So I took his “assignment” and ran with it.

The result is the Barstool Variety Hour. The first season (of hopefully many) will debut on March 7th. We’ll have new episodes every Wednesday for 8-10 weeks. Then we’ll need some time to write and shoot for the next season, so enjoy it while it lasts! This should explain why I haven’t made any videos over the last few months–I’ve been busy stockpiling TONS of videos for this project. We’re sitting on a GOLDMINE!!

Featuring many of your favorite Barstool cast members and directed by our very own John Kelly, the show will also introduce you to some great NY comedians whom I recruited to write and act with me. I’m extremely excited about this project, and I hope you guys are open to something that’s a little different from what we typically do here.

Tune in next Wednesday, March 7th!

PS- the episodes are like 15 minutes. But “Barstool Variety Quarter-Hour” doesn’t roll so nicely off the tongue.