
Meet #RnR2 Fighter Jacob Meade - Part 3 "It's Time To Eat"

“I don’t have a whole lot of support at all… A lot of people think it’s a joke or this or that but it’s not a joke to me. With all that prize money someone’s gonna come out hungry. But no one is hungrier than me. I’m ready to eat…”

Watch Part 1 Here

Watch Part 2 Here

Jacob Meade has essentially been a caged animal his entire life. Every time he finds a sliver of light there has been absolutely crashing darkness to follow. These 24/7 features on him have been a harrowing tale of what life is really like for the Rough N Rowdy fighters, grinding out in coal mines and mountains everyday with nothing but a bleak future to follow. But Jacob Meade could be the exception. Lets fucking eat.

RnR2 is in Morgantown this Friday night and you can still buy it for only $9.99. In less than 48 hours it goes up to $15.99