
Barstool Dive Bar Reviews Makes Its Majestic And Degenerate Return At Shorty's

We’re back with the Dive Bar Reviews, baby! Maybe this will evolve into a simple bar review since there are actually people in society that aren’t cretins and don’t desire complete dives as their drinking spot. Maybe it won’t. Regardless, if you have any places of degenerate you think will fit, let us know.

Thanks to Shorty’s on 27th and Madison in NYC. As you can see, it’s a decent spot…maybe too decent for my tastes. Especially when you’re trying to throw them back on a Tuesday at 3pm. In no way, shape, or form should you be encouraged to feel good about yourself boozing at that time, yet at Shorty’s, you feel great.

And for reference, here’s one of the originals we did all the way back in my old hood of Fairmount in Philly at Kellianns. Miss that damn hole in the wall. And Dennis (RIP). And those No Huddle No Mercy shirts (RIP 2.0).