
Barstool Pizza Review - Lazzaras Pizza

A couple quick things about this Pizza Review.  There is a ton of chatter that Lazzaras paid for this review?  If you honestly believe that you should go buy a gun and stick it in your mouth and blow your brains out.   My entire pizza life is built on honor and integrity.  This was great pizza and I knew it would be.   I would never take a bribe for a great review.  If somebody wanted to pay me to review a pizza I make them sign a contract that the only thing money can do is get me there.  I won’t give you a great rating because you paid me.  I’m like Elliot Ness.  I can’t be bought. *

* I can be bought in every other aspect of my life except pizza.

PS – I’m catching a ton of flack for the way I walk up and down steps.   I honestly don’t know what the commotion is all about.  So I sashay my hips a little bit.  So I got some flair.   Shooters shoot.


Pizza Reviews

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